Digitalization of Government Health and Human Services

The modern Health and Human Services Enterprise (HHS) is navigating a sea of changing policy and technology imperatives.

Key characteristics of digital and resilient health and human services enterprise:


Seamlessly exchange information with internal and external stakeholders, including other HHS agencies, for collaborative actions

Adoption of emerging technologies

Cloud enablement and modular solutions will build a landscape that can be quickly scaled and extended with new technologies


Comply with higher security environment and standards like MARS-e, NIST, FIPS, and more

Rapid adaptation

Agility to adapt to new laws, policy changes and/or unique events like COVID-19 to meet citizen needs

Data and insights

Manage multi-source, multi-format data to build 360° view of the citizen. Enable no wrong door in a predictive fashion

Continuous improvement

Optimize continuously to meet citizen needs and use taxpayer dollars more efficiently

Building and maintaining the digital health and human services enterprise

Infosys Public Services helps HHS agencies address these trends and accelerate their digital transformation. We do this by providing the following capabilities:

Digitization readiness

Our industry experts leverage their decades of health and human services experience and adapt relevant insights from the commercial sector to discover the right areas for digitization, streamline business processes and implement proven tools and accelerators to support jurisdictions’ digital transformation initiatives

Deploying innovative solutions

We deploy agile, future-proof, digital solutions to build modern, modular Eligibility & Enrollment (E&E), Medicaid Enterprise Systems (MES), and Comprehensive Child Welfare Information (CCWIS) systems quickly, cost-effectively and without any disruption

COTS, Platform, Cloud, Custom

We bring the right solution to your specific needs, leveraging our long-standing partnerships and experience with vendors such as Microsoft Dynamics, Pega, Salesforce, IBM Watson, Oracle, and others

Predictable execution

Our proven program management and execution methodologies, including Scaled Agile, ensure projects are delivered on-time and within budgets, ensuring predictability and low risk

Aligning strategy and execution while driving rapid innovation

Our innovative frameworks of Design Thinking and continuous learning develop a culture of innovation

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