Nick: Hello Kannan.
Kannan: Hi Nick.
Nick: Kannan, what’s next for DMVs and the transportation agencies?
Kannan: Nick, I believe the following 5 will be the key focus areas for DMV agencies and other transportation departments.
Nick: Let’s dive into each of these areas. DMVs have been modernizing their systems. What will be different in 2022?
Kannan: DMVs have been moving away from traditional modernization approaches and instead leveraging COTS-based modernization programs, Platform-as-a-Service-based or low-code/no-code-based platforms, and Cloud to build modern, digital and resilient systems.
Agencies will also start leveraging agile approaches to manage their modernization programs. They’ll break down the programs into MVP (most viable product) implementation approaches to facilitate adoption and keep pace with late breaking regulation or policy changes which may impact the modernization program.
Nick: What about services mobility? How will it help facilitate digital transformation?
Kannan: The pandemic has forced agencies to look beyond their traditional service model to reach customers across locations and channels. Digital and resilient foundation will enable agencies to accelerate their shift. Remote, mobile offices will allow staff to work and deliver services from anywhere. Residents will be able to access DMV services anytime and through the device and language of their choice.
Nick: That’s a great service improvement. What else will DMV’s do to improve their customer experience while working to modernize their legacy systems & going mobile?
Kannan: DMVs will continue to introduce solutions that transform customer experience. Customer experience is the core of their service offerings. Three such solutions that will witness mainstream adoption will be digital credentials, AI-driven virtual agents and Personalized Smart Videos (PSV).
- Digital credentials will be the electronic versions of licenses – mobile DL, vehicle registration certificates and other documents that some DMVs have already adopted.
- AI-based virtual agents will complete several tasks on behalf of DMV agents, making them more productive.
- PSVs will use dynamic text, images, charts, and call-to-action buttons to transform a generic message into a highly intuitive, content-rich, interactive, and personalized video.
Nick: In one of our videos, we had discussed automated data-science-based approaches to turn data into actions with Dr Suman De. How will DMVs leverage analytics and how will it help improve service delivery?
Kannan: Digitization of DMVs, autonomous vehicles, and Internet of Things will generate reams of data which DMVs will analyze through advanced analytics. These systems would leverage automated data-science based approaches to create a variety of machine learning models - from identification of risky drivers to elimination of fraud and simplification of processes. This will enable agencies to deliver more targeted and personalized services to their residents.
Nick: How will DMVs assure service delivery in the digital world?
Kannan: Expanding digital footprint of the DMVs will expand their threat surface. Blockchain technology-based ecosystems will enable the agencies to build a stronger security posture and provide several services in a seamless, transparent, and fully secure manner – like renewal of vehicle registration and driver licenses or other state-issued digital credentials.
Nick: So, what is Infosys Public Services doing to help DMVs navigate these nexts?
Kannan: Infosys digital transformation framework is enabling DMVs to drive change across all these areas at speed and scale.
With our partners, we have helped 19+ jurisdictions build a modern and resilient foundation to transform their core licensing and registration programs.
Our AI-based virtual agents, Personalized Smart Video platforms, and workforce transformation services are making it easier for DMVs to become mobile, extend their reach, and transform citizen experience.
Our automated data science platform, IHIP is enabling DMV agencies to turn multi-source, multi-format data into actions that improve customer experience and outcomes.
And, IPS’ blockchain-powered citizen-centric ecosystem is enabling DMV agencies to create and share digital identities in a secure manner. It is enabling primary service providers like the DMVs to collaborate with other departments/agencies as needed and provide identity and ownership credentials in the form of driver licenses, business licenses, vehicle titles and registrations, and other types of documents to residents and businesses.
Nick: Thank you Kannan for your insights on what’s next for the DMVs and how to navigate it.
Nick: Thank you, our audience, for joining us today.
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